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AzCopy: Azure Blob Storage Management Tool

This comprehensive guide provides a quick reference for efficiently interacting with Azure Blob Storage using AzCopy, a powerful command-line utility.

Setup and Authentication

Install AzCopy

To install AzCopy on macOS using Homebrew:

Install AzCopy
brew install azcopy

For other operating systems, please refer to the official AzCopy installation guide.

Authenticate AzCopy

Before using AzCopy, you need to authenticate:

Authenticate AzCopy
azcopy login

This command will open a browser window for you to log in to your Azure account. The authentication token is valid for a limited time, so you may need to re-authenticate periodically.

Core Operations

List Blobs

To list blobs in a container:

List Blobs
azcopy list ""
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Failed to create OAuth token for authorization. Please use AAD credentials to access the resource. 2023/05/20 15:30:25 Failed to perform list operation INFO: Listing finished INFO: Elapsed time: 0.0345 seconds


If you see an authorization error, make sure you've logged in using azcopy login.


Use the --recursive flag to list contents of all subdirectories.

Download a Blob

To download a blob from Azure Blob Storage:

Download Blob
azcopy copy "" "/path/to/local/destination/"
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Failed to create OAuth token for authorization. Please use AAD credentials to access the resource. INFO: Uploading blob... INFO: Blob upload successful INFO: Elapsed time: 1.3456 seconds INFO: Number of transfers completed: 1 INFO: Number of transfers failed: 0 INFO: Final job status: Completed

Upload a File

To upload a file to Azure Blob Storage:

Upload File
azcopy copy "/path/to/local/file.ext" ""
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Failed to create OAuth token for authorization. Please use AAD credentials to access the resource. INFO: Uploading blob... INFO: Blob upload successful INFO: Elapsed time: 2.3456 seconds INFO: Number of transfers completed: 1 INFO: Number of transfers failed: 0 INFO: Final job status: Completed

Sync Directories

To sync a local directory with a container:

Sync Directories
azcopy sync "/path/to/local/directory" "" --recursive
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Failed to create OAuth token for authorization. Please use AAD credentials to access the resource. INFO: Syncing... INFO: Sync completed INFO: Elapsed time: 5.6789 seconds INFO: Number of transfers completed: 10 INFO: Number of transfers skipped: 5 INFO: Number of transfers failed: 0 INFO: Final job status: Completed


The sync command can be destructive. Always use --delete-destination=false (default) to prevent accidental deletions, unless you explicitly want to delete files at the destination that don't exist at the source.

Remove a Blob

To delete a blob from Azure Blob Storage:

Remove Blob
azcopy remove ""
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Failed to create OAuth token for authorization. Please use AAD credentials to access the resource. INFO: Removing blob... INFO: Blob removal successful INFO: Elapsed time: 0.5678 seconds INFO: Number of deletions completed: 1 INFO: Number of deletions failed: 0 INFO: Final job status: Completed

Advanced Usage: SAS Tokens

When working with Shared Access Signature (SAS) tokens, you can use them directly in your AzCopy commands instead of logging in. This is particularly useful for providing limited, temporary access to your storage resources.

List Blobs with SAS Token

List Blobs with SAS Token
azcopy list ""
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... file1.txt file2.txt folder1/ folder1/file3.txt folder2/ folder2/file4.txt

INFO: Listing finished INFO: Elapsed time: 0.2345 seconds

Download a Blob with SAS Token

Download Blob with SAS Token
azcopy copy "" "/path/to/local/destination/"
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Downloading blob... INFO: Blob download successful INFO: Elapsed time: 1.3456 seconds INFO: Number of transfers completed: 1 INFO: Number of transfers failed: 0 INFO: Final job status: Completed

Upload a File with SAS Token

Upload File with SAS Token
azcopy copy "/path/to/local/file.ext" ""
Sample Output

INFO: Scanning... INFO: Uploading blob... INFO: Blob upload successful INFO: Elapsed time: 2.3456 seconds INFO: Number of transfers completed: 1 INFO: Number of transfers failed: 0 INFO: Final job status: Completed


SAS tokens provide direct access to your storage resources. Keep them secure and avoid sharing them publicly. Use short-lived tokens and restrict permissions as much as possible.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Use --recursive for operations on entire directories.
  2. Simulate actions with --dry-run before making changes.
  3. Prevent accidental overwrites with --overwrite=prompt.
  4. For large transfers, use --cap-mbps to limit bandwidth usage.
  5. Enable logging with --log-level=INFO for detailed operation information.
  6. Use --exclude-pattern and --include-pattern for fine-grained control over file selection.