📄️ apply
The apply command applies a series of string, format, currency, regex, and NLP transformations to given CSV columns.
📄️ split
The split command divides a CSV file into multiple smaller files based on various criteria.
📄️ sort
The sort command allows you to sort your data based on specific columns.
📄️ join
const getCommand = () => {
📄️ count
The count command counts the number of rows in a CSV file.
📄️ cat
The cat command concatenates multiple CSV files into one.
📄️ datefmt
The datefmt command formats date columns in a CSV file.
📄️ dedup
The dedup command removes duplicate rows from a CSV file.
📄️ diff
The diff command compares two CSV files and shows the differences.
📄️ enum
The enum command enumerates the rows in a CSV file, adding a new column with row numbers.
📄️ excel
The excel command converts CSV files to Excel format.
📄️ exclude
The exclude command removes specified columns from a CSV file.
📄️ explode
The explode command splits a column into multiple rows based on a delimiter.
📄️ extdedup
The extdedup command removes duplicate rows from a CSV file based on external criteria.
📄️ extsort
The extsort command sorts a CSV file based on external criteria.
📄️ fill
The fill command fills empty cells in a CSV file with a specified value.
📄️ fixlengths
const getCommand = () => {
📄️ flatten
The flatten command flattens nested JSON structures in a CSV file.
📄️ fmt
The fmt command formats CSV data for readability.
📄️ frequency
The frequency command calculates the frequency of values in a specified column.
📄️ headers
The headers command displays or modifies the headers of a CSV file.
📄️ index
The index command creates an index for a CSV file to speed up subsequent operations.
📄️ input
The input command reads data from various sources and outputs it as a CSV file.
📄️ joinp
The joinp command performs a parallel join of two CSV files based on a common column.
📄️ json
The json command converts CSV data to JSON format.
📄️ jsonl
The jsonl command converts CSV data to JSON Lines format.
📄️ partition
The partition command splits a CSV file into multiple files based on a specified column.
📄️ pseudo
The pseudo command generates pseudorandom data for testing and development.
📄️ py
The py command applies Python scripts to CSV data for custom transformations.
📄️ rename
The rename command renames columns in a CSV file.
📄️ replace
The replace command substitutes specific values in your dataset with new ones, useful for data cleaning and standardization.
📄️ reverse
The reverse command reverses the order of rows in a CSV file.
📄️ safenames
The safenames command ensures column names in a CSV file are safe for use in various systems.
📄️ sample
The sample command selects a random sample of rows from a CSV file.
📄️ schema
The schema command infers the schema of a CSV file.
📄️ search
The search command filters CSV data by whether the given regex matches a row.
📄️ searchset
The searchset command filters rows in a CSV file based on a set of search terms.
📄️ select
The select command manipulates columns in CSV data, allowing you to reorder, duplicate, reverse, or drop them. Columns can be referenced by index or by name if there is a header row, with duplicate column names disambiguated using indexing. Column ranges can also be specified, and columns can be selected using regular expressions.
📄️ slice
The slice command extracts a slice of rows from a CSV file.
📄️ snappy
The snappy command compresses or decompresses CSV files using the Snappy compression algorithm.
📄️ sniff
The sniff command detects the delimiter, quote character, and other properties of a CSV file.
📄️ sort
The sort command sorts rows in a CSV file based on a specified column.
📄️ sortcheck
The sortcheck command checks if a CSV file is sorted based on a specified column.
📄️ sqlp
The sqlp command executes SQL queries on CSV files.
📄️ stats
The stats command calculates summary statistics for a CSV file.
📄️ table
The table command formats CSV data into a readable table.
📄️ to
The to command converts CSV data to various formats.
📄️ tojsonl
The tojsonl command converts CSV data to JSON Lines format.
📄️ transpose
The transpose command transposes rows and columns in a CSV file.
📄️ validate
The validate command validates the structure and content of a CSV file.
📄️ behead
📄️ head
📄️ tail