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The join command combines data from two files based on a common column.


qsv join <common_column> <file1> <common_column> <file2> [<options>]


The join command allows you to merge data from two files based on a common column. This is particularly useful when you need to combine information from different sources.


  • -L, --left: Perform a left join
  • -R, --right: Perform a right join
  • -I, --inner: Perform an inner join
  • -F, --full: Perform a full outer join

Interactive Example

Join command
qsv join -R CountryCode olympics2024.csv CountryCode countries.csv \
| qsv select Rank,Country,Gold,Continent \
| qsv table

Basic Join

Join two CSV files based on the CountryCode column:

qsv join CountryCode olympics2024.csv CountryCode countries.csv | qsv select Rank,Country,Gold,Continent | qsv table


Rank  Country        Gold  Continent
1 United States 39 North America
2 China 38 Asia
3 Japan 27 Asia
4 Great Britain 22 Europe
5 ROC 20 Europe

Left Join

Perform a left join:

qsv join -L CountryCode olympics2024.csv CountryCode countries.csv | qsv select Rank,Country,Gold,Continent | qsv table

This will include all rows from the first file (olympics2024.csv) and only the matching rows from the second file (countries.csv).

Right Join

Perform a right join:

qsv join -R CountryCode olympics2024.csv CountryCode countries.csv | qsv select Rank,Country,Gold,Continent | qsv table

This will include all rows from the second file (countries.csv) and only the matching rows from the first file (olympics2024.csv).

Inner Join

Perform an inner join:

qsv join -I CountryCode olympics2024.csv CountryCode countries.csv | qsv select Rank,Country,Gold,Continent | qsv table

This will include only the rows where there is a match in both files.

Full Outer Join

Perform a full outer join:

qsv join -F CountryCode olympics2024.csv CountryCode countries.csv | qsv select Rank,Country,Gold,Continent | qsv table

This will include all rows from both files, with null values where there is no match.

Common Use Cases

  • Combining data from different sources
  • Merging datasets based on a common identifier
  • Enriching data with additional information


  • Verify your joins by inspecting the output
  • Use the appropriate join type based on your data and requirements

See Also

  • select - for selecting specific columns
  • sort - for sorting data before joining