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The rename command renames columns in a CSV file.


qsv rename <old_column_name>,<new_column_name> [<input_file>] [<output_file>]


The rename command renames columns in a CSV file. It reads from stdin if no input file is specified and writes to stdout if no output file is given.


  • None specific to rename

Exit Codes

  • 0: Rename successful
  • Non-zero: An error occurred


Basic Usage

Rename the 'Country' column to 'Nation':

qsv rename Country,Nation olympics2024.csv | qsv select Nation,Gold,Total | qsv table


Nation         Gold  Total
United States 39 113
China 38 88
Japan 27 58
Great Britain 22 65
ROC 20 71

Common Use Cases

  • Standardizing column names across datasets
  • Correcting typos or inconsistencies in column names
  • Making column names more descriptive or meaningful


  • Use rename in combination with other qsv commands for more complex data processing
  • Verify the column names after renaming by sampling the output

See Also

  • select - for selecting specific columns
  • table - for displaying data in a tabular format